Here are a few interesting factoids:
- Some countries like China & Russia celebrate International Women's Day as a holiday. I'm sure many people have leaped on the "Communist Plot" theory of IWD....but just maybe those countries have it right! How better to make a point that equality in education, opportunity, responsibility and all the rest is required for a country and for society to advance? Check this article out!
- In 1977 the UN passed a resolution declaring that a day for Women's Rights and International Peace be celebrated each year by member states. That built on the UN Charter (signed in 1945 here in San Francisco) that recognized gender equality as a fundamental human right. That's pretty cool and we have a long way to go to get there. Check this article out.
- In 2009 a report came out that shows that working women make $0.78 for every $1 that a man in an equivalent job makes. That means that over a 40 year period women will lose hundred of thousands of dollars of wages because of this core inequity! That's just wrong.
I suppose I could go on and on. But I won't.
Let's just recognize and celebrate the women in our lives. We should be doing that all the time, but especially tomorrow we should make a point of it!