Monday, 26 May 2008

The Botanical Gardens and Farewell to Wellington

A few final thoughts on Wellington and the Botanical Gardens.

Wellington does sort of think it's a little version of Hong Kong, I think.  Here's the Cable Car that goes up to the Botanical Gardens.  Sort of a small version of the one in Hong Kong that goes up to Victoria Peak.  This one's not as steep and the view isn't quite as impressive, but it's still very cool!  Oh, and I've added a picture of the view from Victoria Peak in Hong Kong just for comparison right after this one!

Hong Kong from Victoria Peak.  A little larger than Wellington!  :-)

Here's another view of Wellington from the Botanic Gardens.  There's a rainbow on the top of the hill across the bay (I think that's Victoria Peak over there.....)

Now just some photos from the Gardens.

That's it for Wellington.  Definitely a fun city.  There are TONS of Kebab places (just like Auckland).  I tried to hold off on those since I'm going to be in Istanbul in just a few days!  But one night I just had a massive craving for Iskender Kebab.  (Isn't it interesting that Wikipedia has entries on all kinds of things including Iskender Kebab?)  So off I went and had a great meal!

I also had some great Malaysian food at a little place on Dixon just off of Cuba St.  Had a bad meal at a Cambodian place that was supposed to be good.  Bad karma from the start and I should have left before I even ordered!   But that's what happens when you don't follow your intuition!

In any event, the morning came that I had to get up early and catch the Ferry to the South Island.  I'll post a few pictures of that trip next.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Fantastic botanical garden photos - what camera are you using?

I especially like the one with the perspective of the tree tops from the ground.

