First, just in case you can't remember what I look like, here I am!
I'm in the tomb of Suleyiman the Magnificent! And the tomb is magnificent, too. So here you go.
Now on to some sights. Here are two photos of the Rustem Pasha Mosque. Very beautiful. It's up a little windy stair off a side street. I wanted to take pictures of the stairs, but they didn't look like much in the photo. So you'll just have to come! It's covered in beautiful tiles. It was designed by Mimar Sinan - a famous architect at the time of Suleyiman. I passed his tomb on the way to the Suleyimaniye Çamii - the Suleyiman Mosque which he also designed. I'll put up pictures of that next.
Of course I discovered in a book I was reading here that Mimar means "architect" so it's a title, not a name. And Sinan was a very common name of Greek converts to Islam back in the old days. So while everyone talked about Mimar Sinan it just means Sinan the Architect. Not exactly specific, is it! :-)
Hi Mark!
Great to see you back online. Look forward to lots of posts about your time in Turkey. Great photos!
Marcus - lovely pics from Istanbul - I would like to accompany you on a trip there in the near future. Hope to see you in person to hear all about it in the near future.
All the best
Tony O
Wow this reminds me of Canals St. in New York. Be safe and have fun during all of your travels.
Love Alicea
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