This is one of the really nice people who are friends of the Aldemirs in their village. Of course I've forgotten his name. He might be a distant relative - everyone seems to be! Every time we met someone Suphi would say, "he's an uncle, she's an aunt, they are cousins..." It was very funny.
Anyway, he had just arrived from Istanbul for the summer. His garden was growing like crazy. He had corn, pears, apples, hazelnuts, different kinds of berry that I've now forgotten the name of, kiwi fruit, and some special Turkish fruit that no one could translate for me.
He also had a cherry tree. It was above a shed.
Which had a ladder propped against it.
And there were the last of the season's vişne cheries there (these are slightly tart - they are actually called "sour cherries" but they're the cherries you make cherry juice from and I love them...)

Why is this a memory, you ask? Well, after we had climbed to the top of the shed and were sitting there picking and eating cherries (and trying not to fall through the roof of the shed which was just thin metal sheeting!) I had the distinct memory of doing the same on the roof o the shed (chicken house?) that used to be at Aunt Cora's up in Ogden!
I'm pretty sure that really happened - or did I just imagine it? We'll have to ask Mom about that. But Mom, Dad and I drove up to the house when we met in Salt Lake a while ago to visit the family graves. I think the tree was long gone. But I have a memory of climbing to the top of that old shed (so derelict now) and picking cherries from the tree. I HOPE it really happened because 1) it's a nice memory and 2) it was fun to remember it while sitting on the top of a rickety old shed in the hills of Turkey eating cherries!
1 comment:
I just got caught up again on your posts (Jen & kids just left today, so I haven't been on for a while--she started a blog by the way
Once again I love all the pictures you have posted. I laughed about the pine resin incident and I was touched by your words about your gma. Kendall. They were very sweet; she was very sweet!
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