So, for everyone not in San Francisco, this was Fleet Week. I think it was a big deal back when there was actually a fleet here! I think then there were tons of ships that came from all over the world, and there were sailors and all sorts of people wandering around the streets. There are still a few, but I guess it's not like it was!
Anyway, one of the big (and very cool) events that make up Fleet Week is the aerial show of the Blue Angels. (I almost wrote the Blue Angles, which is a very different thing, indeed....) You should really check out the website for the Blue's like being in a club on a Saturday night! Who knew being in the military as a pilot could be so cool!
Anyway, I did NOT take these pictures - so no credit to me, please. But I could see the planes from my house as they roared all around the city. I've been down to the Embarcadero to see them up close and personal. That was cool - one (or more?) flies under the Golden Gate Bridge as I recall. And the do some amazing straight-up in the air things. It's cool!
Anyway, here you go!

On Wednesday I'm off to Bangkok for two weeks. Thanks to Spencer I've remembered to pack my camera, so I'll be posting some pics from my wanderings. I'm just staying in Bangkok for the majority of the trip - there are lots of palaces, temples, gardens, markets and stuff like that to see. I might take a day-trip or two depending on what I find. I hear the old capital of Siam (Ayutthaya) is very interesting, and I can take a boat-ride to get there.
I would love to go to Angkor Wat if I can find a reasonably priced trip. We'll see. Also, if I get bored, a friend of mine will be in Hong Kong so I can always go over there for a few days. That actually sounds sort of fun! I really liked Hong Kong when I met mom and dad there.
I have lots of good reading material. My book club decided to read George Orwell's 1984 for our current book. I've never read it before, but I hear it's very relevant to what we're living through these days. It should be interesting. I have to fly through Tokyo so I have LOTS of time on my hands. I wish I could have figured out how to spend a few days in Japan, but that will have to be another trip.
That's it. Ciao!
Wow, you don't sit still for long do you?. I live in England and we have the Red Arrows which are the British version of your Blue Angels! hope you have a lovely trip x
I love sight seeing through you! Aside from it being very affordable, I'm convinced it's more thorough and entertaining as well! Have a great trip!
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