Friday, 27 February 2009

Few Photos from Wandering Around San Francisco

The other day I was wandering around with my friend Carmen.  We walked through Chinatown on the Saturday of Chinese New Year.  I took some good photos with my new phone.  And then when I got home and reviewed them I realized that I messed them all up by hitting the wrong button at one point.  So I only have a few from that day - but it was a beautiful day and hopefully some of these will be interesting.

A Pier South of Market Street on the Bay

Fort Mason, looking towards the Golden Gate Bridge

Aquatic Bay between Fisherman's Wharf and Fort Mason

I don't know what this is, but it's sort of cool!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

One day I really hope to make it out there; it's one place I've never been to but would really like to visit!