Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Temple Square in Salt Lake City

Last weekend we (Mike, Michele, me and the kids) went in to Salt Lake City for the weekend.  It was great - I stayed at the Peery Hotel in Salt Lake, did some wandering around downtown, saw Patria and had lunch with her at Sundance (yes, people were still skiing even thought it was in the 70s down in the valley), and aso connected to some great friends I haven't seen for years (Joan, Laron and their kids.)  I also discovered that Sugarhouse is the place to be these days!

When I went out to do some wandering in Salt Lake I discovered a whole new world emerging between West Temple and the Rio Grande railroad station and all around Pioneer Square - if I were to ever live in Salt Lake again it would high on the list of potential neighborhoods!  I walked through the Gateway Center (nice but all the normal mall shops so nothing really unique happening there....) and checked out the massive building projects underway downtown on  Main Street.  I also discovered that Temple Square is open until at least 10:30 p.m., so I walked around and took a few photos with my phone.

I recently was poking around to discover some of the camera options my phone has.  I discovered "Night Mode" as well as ""Burst" - which takes four photos in a row.  So, having chosen both of those options, here are some of the results that turned out OK.

The Assembly Hall - I don't know why that light is green, but it's sort of a cool effect.

Salt Lake Temple

The Temple in the large reflecting pool in the garden that used to be Main Street

That's it.  It was really nice to wander around.  I'll be in Salt Lake again on Friday morning before I leave for Chicago to have a fun-filled weekend with Lisa and Sarah.  So I'll probably run by the Art Museum or wander around Temple Square again.  We'll see what I have time for.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

These pictures are fantastic - maybe the church should look into renting out the assembly hall for future halloween gigs? (I'm preparing to be hit by lightening any second - lol)