Tuesday, 4 August 2009

What's Been Happening (WBH) part 1

Well....contrary to popular belief I have NOT fallen off the planet, moved to Mars or forgotten how to type! I've just massively lazy - sort of a victim of the "if I have 1,000,000 things to do I can do them all but if I have just three things to do I will somehow only manage to get 1 done." How sad is that!

But today I've walked from the Castro to Union Street to meet a friend, and then walked back by Hayes Valley via Van Ness and then home, so I'm definitely not just sitting around doing nothing. So I'm on a roll and decided to do a little bit of updating since the Grand Days in Roosevelt!

FIrst up - Chicago with Lisa & Sarah.

Here's the Silver Kidney (at least that's what I think it is! Maybe a kidney bean?)

Taking a picture of Sarah and me taking a picture!

Lisa, Sarah & me.

Just something simply cool!

We went to the Art Institute of Chicago. Lots of excellent art including a few by one of my absolute favorites - El Greco. His art is so interesting and modern - no stale stylizations and poses. It completely baffles me that he came along in the late 1500's.

Sarah is saying "I Love El Greco, too!" (At least that's what I THINK she's saying!)

We went to Chinatown. There are a few of Lisa & Sarah with chopsticks trying Dim Sum. Very tasty. I have a favorite place for Dim Sum in San Francisco - if you come to visit I'll take you there!

Also, it looks like Lisa's wearing a lei from Hawai'i - very festive! But I think it's an original Hannah Pusey creation (I don't have one - they're very hard to come by I hear....)

Did I mention that it SNOWED while we were there? A huge blizzard blew in and it was really crazy. But it was beautiful with snow coating the trees and buildings, billowing past the hotel windows and swirling around.

Then the sun came out on the last day. Literally as I was leaving! But Chicago is an amazing city and I would like to visit again one of these days.

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