Well....contrary to popular belief I have NOT fallen off the planet, moved to Mars or forgotten how to type! I've just massively lazy - sort of a victim of the "if I have 1,000,000 things to do I can do them all but if I have just three things to do I will somehow only manage to get 1 done." How sad is that!
But today I've walked from the Castro to Union Street to meet a friend, and then walked back by Hayes Valley via Van Ness and then home, so I'm definitely not just sitting around doing nothing. So I'm on a roll and decided to do a little bit of updating since the Grand Days in Roosevelt!
FIrst up - Chicago with Lisa & Sarah.
Here's the Silver Kidney (at least that's what I think it is! Maybe a kidney bean?)
Lisa, Sarah & me.
Just something simply cool!

We went to the Art Institute of Chicago. Lots of excellent art including a few by one of my absolute favorites - El Greco. His art is so interesting and modern - no stale stylizations and poses. It completely baffles me that he came along in the late 1500's.
We went to Chinatown. There are a few of Lisa & Sarah with chopsticks trying Dim Sum. Very tasty. I have a favorite place for Dim Sum in San Francisco - if you come to visit I'll take you there!
Also, it looks like Lisa's wearing a lei from Hawai'i - very festive! But I think it's an original Hannah Pusey creation (I don't have one - they're very hard to come by I hear....)
Did I mention that it SNOWED while we were there? A huge blizzard blew in and it was really crazy. But it was beautiful with snow coating the trees and buildings, billowing past the hotel windows and swirling around.
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