Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Pre-Furniture-Arrival Apartment views

It just occurred to me that I have some pictures of my new place prior to moving the furniture in. So I thought I'd post them just in case someone comes along to view where I'm at.

This is the dining room. I have a table and chairs now, too! I'm finally like the rest of you! :-)

This the first of the two front parlors. Just like the old place there are pocket doors between this room and the other. The other is where my piano will go. There's grandma's rocking chair - come over and sit in it whenever you want!

This is the hall. The stair (21 of them) got down to the front door. My bedroom is the room at the end of the hall there. Behind where I'm standing is the second bedroom - I've put the leopard print couch and my main computer in there. To the right of where I'm standing is the double parlor. Then, going down the right side, after the parlor is the dining room and then the kitchen.

This is another view of the dining room - from the door to the kitchen. I have bookshelves along the wall you can see - the fireplace in this room is just to my left. (The fireplace here and the one in the front parlor are just decorative - but still cool to have!)

This is the second bedroom. The leopard print couch is against the wall you can see just a bit of on the right. Although this room gets lots of light, it also has tall trees right outside so it's quite cool.

The apartment is in a great part of town - totally convenient to everything. I've pretty much got everything settled so I'm definitely ready for visitors. Jen wins because she's going to be here in November (so that means there's still time to come before she does!) She's coming own for the weekend - we're going to have a blast! We have tickets to see the Berlin Philharmonic - that will be a massive treat.

One of these nice days (it's rainy right now) I'll take a few more photos to show how things are looking now that I've moved in and unpacked.



Lynne said...

This place is beautiful!! I really like it. Did you buy it?

Mark said...

Sadly I didn't buy it - I'm sure this would cost around $1M given the size, location and condition. And I don't have that! :-)

But I also like to rent because that way when I get tired of SF I can move to Charleston and hang out with you guys!

But I hope you can all get out here for a visit! There's definitely space and I have Aerobeds and couches and I'm set for you to just drop by anytime! Come on out!

Lynne said...

I'm sure you're just dying to make that move - lol! Got an idea to run by you with SF actually -- I'll have to give you a call.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I couldn't have even imagined after your description that it would be so beautiful! Worth every penny:) I am so happy for you!

Aimee Oliver said...

Hey, Mark! Love the pictures!! Erin and I are looking at them and she says we have to go visit!! We need to see your new place. :) Sounds good to me! We miss you!

piano35 said...

Oh my goodness......so so so so beautiful! Simply can't wait to see! :-)