Tuesday 23 December 2008

Winter Wonderland in Seattle.....Go Figure!

So, I headed up to Seattle last week for the end of year Holidays.  Of course, I know it snows up here.  I mean, there are mountains everywhere with beautiful snow and glaciers, so of course it snows.  But down on the ground in the valley?????!!!!!  There are LOTS of hills here.....what is Mother Nature thinking?

Anyway my flight from SF to Seattle was delayed because of snow, but in the end it wasn't too bad.

It then proceeded to snow for TWO STRAIGHT DAYS!  I think there was at one time over a foot of snow on the ground!  And no plows in sight!  So we were stranded.....and sadly that means I ate too much, drank too much hot chocolate, and didn't get any exercise (because it's COLD outside!)  But Jen was stranded with us, so it was actually rather fun.

I introduced Spencer's kids to a great website called Before You Know It!  It's a great foreign language learning tool and there are some really great free downloads to get you started.  He now has someone learning French, someone learning Italian and someone learning Spanish in his house.  Very cute.  And I'm using it to brush up on Turkish.

Here are a few photos of the storm's aftermath on the Seattle side.

A few blackberries are hanging on.....but definitely are NOT looking very appetizing...

Really - there WAS this much snow!

There were a few moments of sunny weather between the first and second storms.  This was the morning of the Christmas Breakfast and Program.  Thankfully there were NO dishes with the traditional Mormon topping of Special K or Corn Flakes (unlike a certain, unnamed Christmas Party in Utah a few weeks ago!)  HAHA

Now I'm on the Olympic Peninsula, and there isn't too much snow over here.  Another storm is coming this way, so we'll just have to see what happens!


Anonymous said...

Well, well--we were blogging at the same time! Glad you made it to Seattle all right. I thought of you tonight when we left a Christmas party at 10:00...and it was -6 degrees outside. C'mon...don't you wish you could be here in Roosevelt? Check out photos of Max laying on his back in the snow...in his swim trunks...wet from the hot tub...
Have a very, very merry Christmas!

Lynne said...

WOW. We don't even have snow on the ground...Illinois! Go figure.