You know (or maybe you don't) that there are people everywhere in Thailand with food stalls. On all the streets and alleyways, outside office buildings and in the markets, beside parking lots and even inside the malls. And it all smells fantastic. You can get all kinds of grilled meat & fish, you can get all sorts of fruits (watermelon, pineapple, pomegranate, green melon, papaya, apples), you can get noodle dishes, rice dishes, soups, dim sum, even sushi. It's amazing!
One of the tasty surprises has been that you can also get waffles! Imagine a nice square waffle hot off the griddle. It's cut into strips and stuck on a bamboo stick. You can just buy and eat. That simple. Very tasty...
Yesterday after getting caught in a monsoon that came up in about 60 seconds, I passed a waffle stand. The smell was amazing - warm and sweet just like they should be! I bought one.
It was a little heavier than a waffle should be (I mean, waffles are just batter and air, right?), but I just figured it was a special heavy Thai waffle mix.
I took a bite. It was lovely! Light and crispy, sweet, warm. Really wonderful. Just beyond my bite and peeking through the waffle was something sort of pink. I thought, "I wonder if they've put strawberry jam into this waffle! That would be a nice treat!"
I took another bite.
And experienced something I haven't willingly experienced for so many years that I can't remember the last time it happened. Staring up at me (and more revoltingly, in my mouth!) was the TERRIBLE FAKE PINKNESS of a hotdog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (It was literally the color of the words! What's that all about!)
Really, no meat on the planet is the color of a hotdog. Not in its natural form. So it's almost like it's announcing to the world that it's some sort of man-made meat.

That was the meanest trick anyone has played on me for a long time! Of course, if I could read Thai I would have known what I was getting myself into! But really, why ruin a perfectly lovely waffle with a secret hotdog hidden inside the golden loviness?
A truly sad day in Thailand.
BWAHAHAHA! Tony and I have been laughing about this post. The funniest thing to us (besides the absurdity of a hotdog cooked inside a waffle (!) is that reading the beginning made us think that there was going to be a worm or a mouse or something dead and then to find it was a waffle. Gross yes, but we're thinking "man he must do some serious 'cleansing' rituals after he visits our house with the things we feed him"! Colonics anyone? Ha!
PS. I'm a closet hot dog junkie! Will you still be my friend? :-)
I mean "...then to find it was a hotdog..." (not a waffle - hello Lynne!)
Mark, when you get back, I'm taking you to Underdog. We can work through this fear of hot dogs together. Like anything, when done well, even processed meat parts can be a delight.
If you want it Thai style, however, you'll have to supply your own waffle.
Having a rather boring cold Sunday in England I read that and laughed out loud. Like your other reader I actually thought there was going to be something like a dead insect or something in their. Being a vegan I think I might of had a little cry at meeting Mr Hotdog, but it did make me laugh xx
This is too funny!!! I also thought there would be a live insect or something gross - not just a hotdog! BTW, we do have something similar here in the US - although the shape and name would warn you what is inside - the corndog!!! I suggeswt you go with Alex to Underdog.
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